Saturday, February 20, 2010

Feeling motivated now, cause I realised wanting to do well for A's doesnt motivate me too much. Its a short term thing. The future does, it might give me the drive to want to do well for the A's, anyway.

Frankly speaking, I don't know if I want to enter University. I can't seem to stay awake during lectures even if I've got enough sleep. I'm allergic to monotonous voices and such. I'm a really restless person. But as they said, its still best to have good results so you can go ANYWHERE. So no excuses to have zero discipline now!

I'll aim to take whichever route which would allow me to do whatever that interests me. (but maybe get enough kaching to travel and buy materials I need)

I want to be able to draw, play music, read, write abit, take photos, travel around and be a better person. I want to be able to have the time to improve myself (spiritually, psychologically). I want to read more and write well.

One day, I'll save enough money to travel around Europe, admire the artpieces, the architecture, watch plays, read books, listen to orchestras, find inspiration for music, find myself and return as a better person. No matter how long it'll take! I don't care, I WILL GO.

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